A European Union strategy for sustainable development worldwide

The European Global Gateway strategy, launched in 2021 by the European Commission and the EU High Representative, aims to promote smart, clean and secure connections in the digital, energy and transport sectors and strengthen health, education and research systems around the world.

The strategy will mobilize up to 300 billion euros in investments through a Team Europe approach, bringing together the EU, its member states and its financial and development institutions, so that the investments made have a transformative impact. The Global Gateway's inaugural milestone was the Africa-Europe Investment Package, with approximately 150 billion euros of investment dedicated to strengthening cooperation with African partners.

The aim is to support smart investments in quality infrastructure, respecting the highest social and environmental standards and in line with the interests and values of the European Union: the rule of law, human rights and international standards. Global Gateway is also fully aligned with the UN's Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Global Gateway's main partnership and investment areas:
  • Digital (supporting open and secure internet)
  • Climate and energy (supporting investments for the transition to clean energies)
  • Transport (supporting green, smart and safe transport)
  • Health (strengthening supply chains and local production of vaccines)
  • Education and research (investing in high-quality education, with a particular focus on girls, women and vulnerable groups)
More information:
  • The official Global Gateway website
  • The Global Gateway Strategy: Communication from the European Commission | PT - EN
  • Fact sheet on investment facilitation in Africa | EN

The Global Gateway Strategy in Angola

The EU supports Angola in sustainable and inclusive development, in line with the "Angola 2050" development vision, the long-term strategy of the Government of Angola, and the Global Gateway. The high-level partnership between the EU and Angola is structured through the Joint Way Forward agreement, signed in 2012, which provides a platform for dialogue and cooperation on issues of common interest.

The EU programs its intervention and specific objectives in Angola through the multiannual indicative program, which defines the overall basis of EU cooperation, and annual action plans, which establish the implementation of the programming. In the case of Angola, the priority areas are economic diversification, human development, governance and the rule of law, with funding of 275 million euros to be applied until 2024 in 10 programs already approved and under preparation.

Emblematic Projects

Recognizing the importance of Angola and its role in the regional context, the EU supports several emblematic projects. Of particular note is the Green and Digital Logistics Corridor in Angola, based between the ports of Sines and Barra do Dande. The Memorandum of Understanding signed between the parties seeks to establish and develop sustainable, green and digital logistics corridors, which strengthen increased connectivity on a global scale, the development of a "Hub" and a logistics corridor with Angola, for the Agribusiness, critical raw materials and Green Hydrogen segments. This initiative will contribute to the security of the supply chain for the agri-food sector and will support a supply chain for green energy and critical raw materials, promoting mutual economic and social development.

On October 26, 2023, three memoranda of understanding were signed to promote the Lobito Corridor between the European Union, the United States, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo), Zambia, Angola, the African Development Bank and the African Finance Corporation. The initiative makes it possible to create a transport corridor between the DR Congo, Zambia and Angola to the port of Lobito, creating unique opportunities for Angola to exploit its geographical position and increase its export profile.

Cooperation will focus on three areas: i) investments in transport infrastructure; ii) measures to facilitate trade, economic development and transit; and iii) support for related sectors to foster inclusive and sustainable economic growth and long-term capital investment in Angola, DR Congo and Zambia. When fully operational, the Corridor will increase the export potential of the three countries, boost the movement of goods and promote the mobility of citizens.

The agreements also include measures to
  • the integration of sustainable mineral value chains,
  • mobilizing funding for infrastructure development,
  • cooperation for sustainable and responsible production,
  • cooperation in research and innovation, and training to apply the relevant rules.

Other initiatives

EU investment in Angola

The European Union has launched the Mapping of EU Investment in Angola. Data is collected through a short survey which aims to identify the presence of EU companies in Angola, analyze their impact and the concrete barriers they encounter in Angola. This information is important for refining private sector development programs, for promoting improvements in the business climate and defending business interests in Angola, for boosting EU and Team Europe advocacy with Angolan public institutions and for supporting future negotiations.

At the end of the exercise, a report will be published with a breakdown of the data by sector and Member State, as well as a brochure to be distributed to the Angolan government. This mapping also serves to stimulate discussions at the 2nd Angola-European Union Business Forum.

The success of this mapping depends on the number of responses from European companies operating in Angola, which is why we ask you to complete the survey. Filling in the survey takes less than 5 minutes and the answers are confidential, in accordance with EU data protection legislation.

The same exercise is being carried out or has been carried out in various African countries (Cape Verde, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mozambique, Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, etc.), with interesting results.

Mozambique-EU Investment Forum

The European Union and its Member States are organizing an EU-Mozambique Business Forum in Maputo on 22 e 23 of November 2023. O 1.º European Union Global Gateway Investment Forum-Mozambique will take place in the context of the Global Gateway, a European Commission strategy aimed at boosting smart, clean and secure connections in the digital, energy and transport fields, as well as strengthening health, education and research systems around the world. More information here.